Thursday 30 August 2012

iPad 3 competition

FindMeAGift are having a fab competition to win an iPad 3!
"Why?" I hear you ask..
Well of course, it's because they are kind, generous souls who treat their customers well ;)
If you somehow have never heard of FindMeAGift, go check out the website at

They sell something for everyone!
And what's even better, is you can search for items by recipient. 
Do you REALLY think your dad has everything??? Then check this section out;
What dad wouldn't love to be Spock-ified in that dressing gown?!!

It's definitely one of the top places to go for a great gift, or just something small and crazy to give someone a giggle.
Also, you may as well enter for that iPad I was telling you about...
I sort of went off course chatting about the FindMeAGift website, but it's hard not to!
Happy shopping folks.

Oh yes... here is the link to that iPad 3 ;)